Translations of web development terms

English German rating
accessibility Barrierefreiheit translation is available, but not used often
address Addresse translation is available and used often
adjacent benachbart / anliegend translation is available and used often
animation Animation translation is available and used often
API Programmierschnittstelle translation is available, but not used often
application / app Anwendung translation is available, but not used often
archive Archiv translation is available, but not used often
array Feld / Liste translation is available, but not used often
arrow function Pfeilfunktion translation is available, but not used often
aspect ratio Seitenverhältnis translation is available and used often
asset Projektelement / Medieninhalt translation is guessed
assignment Zuweisung translation is available and used often
associative array assoziatives Datenfeld translation is available, but not used often
async asynchron translation is available and used often
await erwarten translation is available and used often
Backend Unterbau translation is available, but not used often
background color Hintergrundfarbe translation is available and used often
backspace key Rücktaste translation is available, but not used often
backtick Gravis / Abwärtsakzent translation is available, but not used often
backup Sicherung translation is available, but not used often
batch processing Stapelverarbeitung translation is available, but not used often
behavior-driven development (BDD) Verhaltensgetriebene Entwicklung translation is available, but not used often
body (HTML) HTML-Körper translation is available, but not used often
Boolean boolescher Ausdruck translation is available, but not used often
border Rahmen translation is available, but not used often
border-radius Rahmenabrundung translation is available, but not used often
box shadow Schlagschatten translation is available, but not used often
box-sizing Box-Bemessung translation is guessed
branch Verzweigung translation is available, but not used often
branch Zweig translation is available, but not used often
breakpoint (CSS) Umbruchpunkt translation is guessed
breakpoint (general) Haltepunkt translation is available, but not used often
browser Browser translation is available and used often
browsergame Browserspiel translation is available, but not used often
buffer Puffer translation is available, but not used often
bug Programmfehler / Softwarefehler translation is available, but not used often
build Erstellung translation is available, but not used often
build process Erstellungsprozess translation is available, but not used often
build tool Erstellungswerkzeug translation is available, but not used often
bundle Bündel translation is guessed
button Schaltfläche / Taste translation is available, but not used often
cache Zwischenspeicher translation is available, but not used often
callback function Rückruffunktion translation is available, but not used often
canvas Leinwand translation is available, but not used often
center Mitte translation is available and used often
checkbox Kontrollkästchen translation is available, but not used often
child Kind translation is available, but not used often
class Klasse translation is available and used often
click Klick translation is available and used often
client Klient translation is available, but not used often
code Code translation is available and used often
column Spalte translation is available and used often
commit einchecken translation is available, but not used often
commit Festschreibung translation is available, but not used often
commit message Festschreibungsnachricht translation is available, but not used often
compile kompilieren translation is available and used often
component Komponente translation is available and used often
compress komprimieren translation is available and used often
computer Rechner / Rechenmaschine translation is available, but not used often
computing Prozessverarbeitung translation is available, but not used often
concatenate verbinden / verknüpfen translation is available, but not used often
constant Konstante translation is available and used often
container Behälter translation is available, but not used often
content management system / CMS Inhaltsverwaltungssystem translation is available, but not used often
continuous integration Fortlaufende Integration translation is available, but not used often
controller Steuerung translation is guessed
counter Zähler translation is available, but not used often
CSS style CSS-Stil translation is available, but not used often
cursor Eingabemarke translation is available, but not used often
custom event benutzerdefiniertes Ereignis translation is guessed
database Datenbank translation is available and used often
debounce entprellen translation is available, but not used often
decorator Dekorator translation is available, but not used often
default Standard translation is available, but not used often
delivery Auslieferung translation is available, but not used often
dependency Abhängigkeit translation is available, but not used often
deployment Verteilung translation is available, but not used often
destructuring Destrukturierung translation is available, but not used often
dev dependency Entwicklungsabhängigkeit translation is guessed
development Entwicklung translation is available, but not used often
device Gerät translation is available and used often
devtools Entwicklerwerkzeuge translation is available, but not used often
directive Direktive / Anweisung translation is available, but not used often
dispatch versenden translation is available, but not used often
display property Anzeigeart translation is guessed
div (HTML) Teilungselement / Behälter translation is guessed
do while loop Fußgesteuerte Schleife translation is available, but not used often
domain Domäne translation is available, but not used often
download herunterladen translation is available, but not used often
ease in weicher Start translation is guessed
ease out weiches Ende translation is guessed
easing Entspannung translation is guessed
edge case Randfall translation is available, but not used often
end-to-end test Ende-zu-Ende Test translation is available, but not used often
endpoint Endpunkt translation is available, but not used often
enum Aufzählungstyp translation is available, but not used often
error Fehler translation is available and used often
event Ereignis translation is available, but not used often
event handling Ereignisbehandlung translation is available, but not used often
event listener Ereignisüberwacher translation is available, but not used often
exception Ausnahme translation is available, but not used often
execute ausführen translation is available and used often
false falsch translation is available and used often
falsy falschmäßig translation is guessed
fetch abrufen translation is guessed
file Datei translation is available and used often
flex box Flexbox translation is available and used often
flex direction Flex-Ausrichtung translation is available, but not used often
focus Fokus translation is available and used often
folder Ordner translation is available and used often
font color Schriftfarbe translation is available and used often
font family Schriftfamilie translation is available and used often
font size Schriftgröße translation is available and used often
font weight Schriftstärke translation is available and used often
footer Fußzeile translation is available, but not used often
for each loop Mengenschleife translation is available, but not used often
for loop Zählschleife translation is available, but not used often
form Formular translation is available and used often
framework Programmiergerüst translation is guessed
Frontend Oberbau translation is available, but not used often
function Funktion translation is available and used often
gap Lücke translation is available, but not used often
goto statement Sprungbefehl translation is available, but not used often
grid Gitter / Raster translation is available, but not used often
hardware translation is not available
head (HTML) HTML-Kopf translation is available, but not used often
header Kopf / Kopfbereich / Kopfzeile translation is available, but not used often
height Höhe translation is available and used often
higher order function Funktion höherer Ordnung translation is available and used often
host Netzwerkgerät translation is guessed
hostname Netzwerkgerätename translation is guessed
hover Mauszeiger drüber bewegen translation is available, but not used often
hydrate hydrieren translation is available, but not used often
hydration Hydrierung translation is available, but not used often
icon Bildchen / Piktogramm / Symbol translation is available, but not used often
if else statement Bedingte Verzweigung translation is available, but not used often
if statement bedingte Anweisung translation is available, but not used often
infer inferieren translation is available, but not used often
infinity scroll Unendlicher Bildlauf translation is guessed
inline inzeilig translation is available, but not used often
input Eingabe translation is available, but not used often
inset Einsatz translation is available, but not used often
integer ganze Zahl translation is available and used often
integrated development environment / IDE Integrierte Entwicklungsumgebung translation is available and used often
integration test Integrationstest translation is available, but not used often
interface Schnittstelle translation is available, but not used often
key Schlüssel translation is available, but not used often
keyboard Tastatur translation is available and used often
keyframes Schlüsselbild translation is available, but not used often
landscape (orientiation) Querformat translation is available and used often
layout Entwurf / Aufmachung translation is guessed
letter spacing Zeichenabstand translation is available, but not used often
library Bibliothek translation is available, but not used often
license Lizens translation is available, but not used often
life cycle Lebenszyklus translation is available, but not used often
lifecycle Lebenszyklus translation is available, but not used often
link Verknüpfung translation is available, but not used often
literal Literal translation is available, but not used often
local storage lokale Speicherung translation is guessed
log protokollieren / aufzeichnen translation is available, but not used often
loop Schleife translation is available and used often
main thread Primärer Ausführungsstrang translation is guessed
map Abbildung translation is available, but not used often
margin äußerer Abstand translation is available, but not used often
media query Medienabfrage translation is guessed
memory Speicher translation is available, but not used often
menu Menü translation is available and used often
merge zusammenfügen translation is available, but not used often
method Methode translation is available and used often
middleware Zwischenanwendung translation is available, but not used often
minified minifiziert translation is available, but not used often
mock data Scheindaten translation is guessed
mock object Attrappe / Pseudo-Objekt translation is guessed
model Modell translation is available, but not used often
mount einhängen translation is available, but not used often
mouse Maus translation is available and used often
null Nullwert translation is available, but not used often
nullish coalescing operator Null-Koaleszenz-Operator translation is available, but not used often
object Objekt translation is available and used often
offscreen außerhalb der Zeichenfläche translation is guessed
offset Versatz translation is available, but not used often
opacity Deckkraft translation is available, but not used often
open source Quelloffen translation is available, but not used often
outline Außenlinie translation is available, but not used often
padding innerer Abstand translation is available, but not used often
parent Elter translation is available, but not used often
parent component Elterkomponente translation is available, but not used often
parent element Elterelement translation is available, but not used often
patch Nachbesserung translation is guessed
pointer Zeiger translation is available, but not used often
popup window aufklappbares Fenster translation is available, but not used often
port Netzwerkdienstnummer translation is guessed
portrait (orientation) Hochformat translation is available and used often
process Prozess translation is available and used often
production Produktion translation is available, but not used often
progressive enhancement Progressive Verbesserung translation is available, but not used often
promise Versprechen translation is available, but not used often
property Eigenschaft translation is available, but not used often
props / properties Eigenschaften translation is available, but not used often
provider Anbieter translation is available, but not used often
public öffentlich translation is available, but not used often
pull request Übernahme-Anfrage translation is guessed
radio button Optionsfeld translation is available, but not used often
refactoring Refaktorierung translation is available, but not used often
referrer Verweiser translation is guessed
remote auf Distanz translation is guessed
repository Repositorium translation is available, but not used often
request (to a server) Anfrage translation is available, but not used often
response (from a server) Antwort translation is available, but not used often
responsive responsiv translation is available, but not used often
rest operator Rest-Operator translation is available, but not used often
return zurückgeben translation is available, but not used often
return value Rückgabewert translation is available, but not used often
root Wurzel translation is available, but not used often
rotate drehen translation is available and used often
router Router translation is available and used often
row Zeile translation is available and used often
scaffold Grundgerüst translation is guessed
scale skalieren translation is available and used often
scoped geltungsbeschränkt translation is guessed
script Skript translation is available and used often
scrollbar Bildlaufleiste translation is available, but not used often
scrolling Bildlauf translation is available, but not used often
select menu Auswahlmenü translation is available, but not used often
server translation is not available
service Dienst translation is available, but not used often
setTimeout Verzögerter Aufruf translation is available, but not used often
sibling Geschwister translation is available and used often
side effect Nebeneffekt translation is available and used often
slot Einschub translation is guessed
software translation is not available
software engineer Softwaretechniker translation is available, but not used often
software engineering Softwaretechnik translation is available, but not used often
source Quelle translation is available, but not used often
source code Quelltext translation is available, but not used often
span Bereich translation is guessed
spread operator Ausbreitungs-Operator translation is available, but not used often
state Zustand translation is available, but not used often
static statisch translation is available and used often
store Speicher translation is available, but not used often
string Zeichenkette translation is available, but not used often
submission Einreichung translation is guessed
submit abschicken translation is available, but not used often
support Unterstützung translation is available, but not used often
switch case statement Fallunterscheidung translation is available, but not used often
syntactic sugar syntaktischer Zucker translation is available, but not used often
table Tabelle translation is available and used often
tag Etikett / Schildchen translation is guessed
technical dept Technische Schulden translation is available, but not used often
template Vorlage translation is available, but not used often
terminal Konsole translation is available, but not used often
ternary operator Ternärer Operator translation is available and used often
test suite Testreihe translation is guessed
test-driven development (TDD) Testgetriebene Entwicklung translation is available, but not used often
text align Textausrichtung translation is available and used often
text flow Textlaufrichtung translation is available and used often
text shadow Textschatten translation is available, but not used often
thread Ausführungsreihenfolge / Ausführungsstrang translation is available, but not used often
throttle drosseln translation is available, but not used often
throw (an error) (einen Fehler) werfen translation is available, but not used often
to link verknüpfen translation is available, but not used often
to scroll blättern translation is available, but not used often
track verfolgen translation is available, but not used often
transition Übergang translation is available and used often
translate verschieben translation is available and used often
true wahr translation is available and used often
truthy wahrmäßig translation is guessed
undefined undefiniert translation is available, but not used often
unit Einheit / Komponente translation is available, but not used often
unit test Modultest / Komponententest translation is available, but not used often
update Aktualisierung translation is available, but not used often
user Nutzer translation is available, but not used often
user experience / UX Nutzererfahrung / Benutzererlebnis translation is available, but not used often
value Wert translation is available, but not used often
variable Variable translation is available and used often
view Darstellung / Präsentation translation is guessed
viewport Anzeigebereich translation is available, but not used often
while loop Kopfgesteuerte Schleife translation is available, but not used often
width Breite translation is available and used often
window Fenster translation is available and used often
worker Ausführungseinheit translation is available, but not used often
zip zusammenfügen translation is available, but not used often