Translations of web development terms

Here you find translations from English to German of terms which are commonly used in web development. Currently there are 282 of them (of which 3 are missing).

Many native German speakers, including myself, just use English words, even when German words are available ("checkbox" = "Kontrollkästchen"), or mix them up with German words ("Defaultwert").

In order to differentiate the quality of the translations, each translation is rated with one of the following four options:

  1. checked The translation is available, verified and used very often by German speakers. Example: "compile" = "kompilieren"
  2. tick The translation is available and verified, but not used that much by German speakers. Usually they prefer the English word here, i.e. they speak Denglisch. Example: "destructuring" = "Destrukturierung"
  3. tick I guessed or worked out a translation here. The translation is not official by any means. But if you like my translation, let's use it more often! Example: "truthy" = "wahrmäßig"
  4. nothing The translation is missing, unfortunately. Let me know if you have any ideas. Example: "port" = ?

I am happy about every contribution to this list. Please reach out to me via mail or directly submit a PR to the GitHub repository (the file is translations.ts)

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